[TYPO3-ect] RFC: Common prefixId for several controllers
Daniel Brüßler
info at -remove-patchworking.de
Fri Jan 12 13:54:54 CET 2007
one possibility would be to use a regExp for 'GETvar'. But the
performance would go down. And that would be bad!
But yes - it is enough to differ between 'tx_yellowbanana_overview' and
'tx_yellowbanana_main' (or what ever the subparts would have as names)
by the extension-author. No id of the current plugin-instance.
++----- little bit off-topic
What's with realurl-support for extensions in general? So it would not
be ONE big file - each extension would have it's own section as we have
it for translations, TCA-configuration and so on ;-)
kind regards
Daniel Brüßler
>> .......
>> 'fixedPostVars' => array (
>> 'egglog' => array (
>> array (
>> 'GETvar' => 'tx_rvteggdroplog_pi1[year]'
>> ),
>> ........
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