[TYPO3-ect] RFC: Common prefixId for several controllers

R. van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Fri Jan 12 13:34:58 CET 2007

Daniel Brüßler wrote:
> Hello Elmar,
> as I see this comes from the wish to handle the GET/POST-values and
> nothing more. But important enough ;-)
> My 50 cents:
> Would be good to use a mixed prefixId containing FOUR things instead of
> three
> * the prefix "tx_" (class-var)
> * the extKey "yellowbanana" (class-var)
> * the ext-type "_pi" (class-var)
> * the current tt_content-dataset-uid of the plugin (INSTANCE-var)
The INSTANCE var might become a problem with proper
realURL configurations where you can create configurations like:

    'fixedPostVars' => array (
        'egglog' => array (
                array (
                    'GETvar' => 'tx_rvteggdroplog_pi1[year]'

If the prefixid is variable then you can end up with endless and
really differcult realUrl configs.

> => So a call $this->getPrefixId() can give the new ID
> and it's possible to put a million instances of the same plugin into the
> same page
> To make the using easy for extension-developers it should be enough to
> set this mixed Id in a call in the main-function after $this->conf=$config
> ++-------
> for example:
> * one plugin with tt_content uid=250, extKey="yellowbanana"
> * second plugin with tt_content uid=251, extKey="yellowbanana"
> can have a view
> http://johnnycash.com?id=1000&tx_yellowbanana_pi_250[list]=20&tx_yellowbanana_pi_251[list]=24
> ++-------
> Big problem: the core would need some changes. I think it's
> t3lib_div_implodeArrayForUrl and pi_linkTP.
> But I don't know the core good so I cannot say if this is all what would
> be needed.
> ++------
> I hope this helps a little bit
> kind regards
> Daniel Brüßler

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