[TYPO3-ect] lib/div 1.0 - it's time to say thank you

Cyprian Kowalczyk cyprian at pi2.pl
Tue Jan 9 20:30:44 CET 2007

On Tue, 09 Jan 2007 18:12:21 +0100, Elmar HInz  
<elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net> wrote:

> I don't agree with you in this point. Model and controller provide a
> certain set of data. It is the task of the view to decide which of this
> data is displayed and in wich format. This depends on the desires of the
> designer. It should be handeled directly in the
> template. That is also our practical expirience in larger projects. Not  
> to
> put it into the template increases the workload very much.
> I.e. it is not the task of the controller (or programmer) to decide, if  
> we
> address people as Sir and Madam or Mr. and Mrs. or just with a hello.  
> That
> is a mere question of the view. We maybe need to query the sex or not in  
> a
> condition to set the appropriate value. So we need a minimal set of
> programming features in the view. Typically this are conditions and
> iterators.

Yes, you are right.


regards, Cyprian
http://pi2.pl design project

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