[TYPO3-ect] tx_forms

Radu Cocieru radu at cocieru.com
Tue Jan 9 19:30:58 CET 2007

Hi Elmar

I admit I had only a shallow view at the lib/div will need to look 
deeper to answer your question.

Is there a project wiki or a documentation/specs page where I can see 
what the full plan for tx_forms is ?



Elmar HInz wrote:
  > Hi Radu,
> I would like to see a kind of formidale conntector for lib/div/forms. It
> is so different from the pear library html_quickforms that we should offer
> both as alternatives IMHO. 
> Just like with the views: phpView <-> smartyView.
> <http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/lib/0.0.13/info/?tx_terfe_pi1%5BdownloadFile%5D=doc%252Flib-div-slideshow.pdf&cHash=1089a49c64>
> Here again the question: Who does that job to integrate formidable? 
> Is there anything to do at all? Do you volunteer?
> Regards
> Elmar

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