[TYPO3-ect] lib/div 1.0 - it's time to say thank you

Elmar HInz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Tue Jan 9 18:12:21 CET 2007

Hi Cyprian,

> So why not to use:
> <?= name ?>
> <? if ($name) : ?>
> something
> <? :endif ?>

That's exacly the way the lib/div phpView works. Pleas have a look into
the extension efaq to see it in practice.

> Besides you should do such a things in Controller part.
I don't agree with you in this point. Model and controller provide a
certain set of data. It is the task of the view to decide which of this
data is displayed and in wich format. This depends on the desires of the
designer. It should be handeled directly in the
template. That is also our practical expirience in larger projects. Not to
put it into the template increases the workload very much.

I.e. it is not the task of the controller (or programmer) to decide, if we
address people as Sir and Madam or Mr. and Mrs. or just with a hello. That
is a mere question of the view. We maybe need to query the sex or not in a
condition to set the appropriate value. So we need a minimal set of
programming features in the view. Typically this are conditions and



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