[TYPO3-ect] lib/div 1.0 - it's time to say thank you
Nikolas Hagelstein
hagelstein at shr.cc
Mon Jan 8 15:59:10 CET 2007
Elmar HInz wrote:
> Probably, I should have known it a few weeks ago. Would have saved me
> some headaches. :-)
>Please write your proposals into the wishlist:
Yes, great. But i got some further proposals i would like to discuss
in here before adding them to the wishlist.
>If possible add your function into the SF repository. The more people
>help, the quicker we have a full featured MVC running for TYPO3
In generall: i recommend to have a look beyond the edge of a plate and
see how other popular mvc frameworks like onrails,struts cake etc deal
with certain
issues. There is definitely no need to reinvent the wheel. And adapting
proofed technics
is nothing be ashamed. Pragmatism is the way to go ;).
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