[TYPO3-ect] lib/div 1.0 - it's time to say thank you

Elmar HInz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Mon Jan 8 10:08:17 CET 2007

> Hey Elmar,
> didn't wan't to make you angry, in my mind I was just wondering why we 
> couldn't join
> forces with already existing great extensions, invite this people over.
> My sinsire apologizes for making you feel like that...
> But then again I am not to involved into ECT...
> Would it be a good idea to make a interface from tx_div to several 
> extension?

I don't think so, because that would create new dependancies and the list
of dependencies is already long:

xy_plus_extension > xy_extension > static_info_tables > div > lib > cms

But I recommend to combine lib/div with other libraries, just like
you combine tslib_pibase with other libraries. The primary target of
lib/div is to provide a clean MVC alterantive to tslib_pibase. It is not
the target to be the one and only library. That would be against the
concept of modularization.

I am rather proud that lib/div are so slim. Good code is slim code. There
are no dublications and the few is enough to do the job. Lean code also
keeps the learning curve low I hope.

>> subscribers to ECT: http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/Ect. Now, who has
>> contributed to the common library so far? 2 people, Franz Holzinger and
>> me. lib and div are on the common extension developer platform
>> typo3xdev for over 6 monthes now!!!!
> what could be the reason for that?

I guess it is mainly the phenomenon catched with the term "The cathedral
and the bazar". Until they don't see the cathedral people don't visit the

That's the reason why I currently power lib/div so much with
documentation and example extensions. We need to make the cathedral
happen. I am still optimistic that poeple will join in from this point on.
You can help me now to communicate the library so that people start
building extensions upon it. 

One important point is that we can extend extensions without the XCLASS.
That is the base to enable teams to work together with extensions and to
stop dublicating code. 

The nexte step we have to do now results of this. Testing collaboration on
the extension level. I have just started a page for this:


1.) Extending extensions by exensions but in a way the we can simply
combine them by copy and paste into a single extension.

2.) Then how do we clean the TER from the rests?

> I do see a really good point of heaving one good library (tx_div and
> tx_lib) unfortunately
> it is to difficult for the core team to accept anything to core
> (t3lib_div that is). That's why
> so many people made there own efford to bring something out.

Right, it's like a kind of filter. The code can be tested in tx_div fist.
What is really important can migrate into t3lib_div.

> I can understand this very well... But I didn't try to be egocentric..

I wasn't speaking of you. You are probaly one of the most community
orientated persons in the whole community.



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