[TYPO3-ect] tx_lib_modelBase

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Mon Feb 12 08:42:22 CET 2007

Am Mon, 12 Feb 2007 09:48:40 +1100 schrieb Steve Ryan:

> Is this in theme? Minimal and simple implementation of Propel ideas. 
> Working on relationships now.
> <?php
> require_once(t3lib_extMgm::extPath('div') . 'class.tx_div.php');
> require_once(t3lib_extMgm::extPath('lib') . 'class.tx_lib_object.php');
> class tx_lib_modelBase extends tx_lib_object {
> ?>

Hi Steve,

lets start with this one for today, the tx_lib_modelBase. It looks
perfectly lib/div stylish. On the first glance I guess we can implement it
directly as it is and learn be experience of any modifications are

I have myself not that deep knowlage in the many ways to do object
relational models. A TCA based rapid prototyping solution should be part
of it. Surly we can learn from the web empowered church people in this.
Did you check out their tcaObjects? 

It looks to me that the range of possibilities as very broad. On the one
end there are generic models like the T3 core engine that are
dynamic and completely controlled by by a configuration. On the other end
there are "hardcoded" models for each table. In case of propel/torque they
are generated based on XML definitions.  


Between this 2 ends there are the many other frameworks already mentioned
in this list: symphony, cake, zope, zend, etc.


Which one will we get? We have your proposals now and we need to learn
your concept, test how far it already works and the idea behind. We will
compare it to other solutions, if there are people who have the knowlage
to do that. In practice we will get the solution(s) that somebody is
willing to implement for us. As we have an object based framework we can
also use several solutions in parallel.

Go ahead.


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