[TYPO3-ect] lib/div SVN: customizing pager not possible?

Elmar Hinz elmar07 at googlemail.com
Thu Dec 27 14:37:42 CET 2007

Elmar Hinz wrote:

> Franz Koch wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I tried to customize the tx_lib_pager with a custom template, but it
>> seems that I'm not able to tell the pager what template it should take.
>> I tried several ways to define the new template path and template file,
>> but it doesn't seem to work.
>> Any ideas?
>> --
>> Greetings,
>> Franz
> Hi Franz,
> this looks like a bug. I obviously need to review the configuration of the
> pager controller.
> Regards
> Elmar


in the current SVN version of apples/bananas/lib/div this is fixed now. The
php5 plugin of bananas shows the example.

To get the necessary flexibility into the controller I needed to rewrite
most setters-getter methods of the controller. Please have a look. There
are setters, getters and loaders now for the configuration/setup objects.

I also have renamed "setup" to "mergedSetup" to differ it clearly from
globalSetup, pluginSetup and future ffSetup and tcaSetup. You have to
change this in current extensions, typically in the controllers.



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