[TYPO3-ect] Eclipse Plugin Development

Malte Jansen mail at maltejansen.de
Thu Dec 13 09:54:22 CET 2007

Hi Andreas,

great idea doing this!  :D

But one feature is missing...
The syntax-highlighting for Typoscript...
The default ending is *.ts (and perhaps *.const)
My efforts for doing some Highlighting were not successful.



Andreas Tschirpke schrieb:
> Hello Johnny, Hello ECT,
> quite some time has passed and I'm sorry I didn't answer earlier. But in 
> the meantime I worked on the development of an Eclipse PlugIn which 
> communicates with a server over WebServices to implement a remote file 
> system. Currently it is in first "usable" state - although highly 
> unstable and lacks quite some features. But you can get a first glimpse 
> of the actual idea.
> I created a server-side implementation which allows remote file access 
> and access to the TYPO3 page-tree. For more details, documentation and 
> download please visit:
> https://ssl.tschirpke.org/wsefs/trac
> Please note that the current state focuses on the file transfer and file 
> system concept. The TYPO3 server implementation is a proof-of-concept.
> If the project gets some, hopefully positive, feedback I will enhance 
> the existing plugin and create further plugins to implement TYPO3 
> specific funtions.
> Have a great day!
> Andreas
> Johnny Peck schrieb:
>> Hello ECT,
>> This past April Andreas Tschirpke wrote on this list about the 
>> possibility of focusing his thesis on an Eclipse TYPO3 plugin and 
>> quite a few nice feature ideas.  I did not find any more information 
>> aside from that thread in either this list or the dev list regarding 
>> his work.
>> Has anyone any information about the state of this project or whether 
>> it is even in the works?  If it is no longer in the works I think it 
>> may be time to introduce the discussion again and see what we can 
>> accomplish. I have used the jedit tool as well but find it unsuitable 
>> for my requirements.  As far as I know there are quite a few people on 
>> the lists using Eclipse but not much discussion on its actual use, 
>> plugin development, or best practices regarding TYPO3.  Eclipse is an 
>> amazing platform with a lot of heavy weight behind it with Sun, IBM, 
>> and the massive commitment by the communities surrounding it.  
>> Perhaps, with quite a bit of effort of course, we could really push 
>> TYPO3s reach to developers with the creation of the features discussed 
>> by Andreas and others in the original thread.
>> I use Eclipse for all development now and finally came around to 
>> setting Dreamweaver aside as well in favor of Eclipse although FTP 
>> support is still a bit awkward for me.  I hope to do the same by 
>> moving to OSS Flash[1] tools as well when I finally get a moment.
>> Anyhow, what is the status of the proposed project from Andreas?  What 
>> tools do you use with Eclipse for T3 development?  Is there still 
>> interest in this amongst the list goers?
>> Aloha
>> Johnny
>> [1] http://osflash.org

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