[TYPO3-ect] function castList remove from lib ?

Elmar Hinz elmar07 at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 12 17:03:15 CET 2007

Fabien Udriot wrote:

> Hi lib/div'ers
> By making compatible my extensions with the alpha release of lib/div, I
> remark that the function "castList" was removed from tx_lib_object.
> As consequence, this line does not work anymore :
> $view->castList('entries','tx_ecorss_views_feed','tx_ecorss_views_feed')
> For which reasons was this function removed ? I found this function very
>   useful ... And now, how can we convert an entry that itself is a list ?
> best regards,
> Fabien

Hello Fabien,

I currently don't know if the function is in the current TER release. If not
I will add a solution again.

I stepped back a few versions in the SVN to adjust the direction of
develoment in the trunk. If you are curious, you can take a look at current
apples in SVN. For development please hold to the TER versions for now. I
think I get the final alpha done before X-mess. From that point on the API
itself should be stable.



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