[TYPO3-ect] EXT:lib/doc/aboutAllDocumentations.txt

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Mon Apr 30 23:30:23 CEST 2007

The original place: 


Versionized within:


How to find appropriate documentations concerning lib/div?

The lib/div library is a work in progress, driven by the community of
extension developrs. You can find informations about the library in
different places. As the project is developing very rapidly it's not
easy to keep the overview of current and good documentations. With this
document I want to give an overview, of what documentation is known.

Documentation for programmers

The sourcecode first

The sourcecode is rich documentated. Usually it gives a very good source
for the latests informations. In doubt the sourcecode of the latest
releases gives the ultimative answers.

Example implementations are the best tutors:

Example implementations prove that the libraries work and tell how that
has been done.

a) Apples: 

    A kind of hello world programm to get started with lib/div.

b) Bananas: 

    A little board, that shows the fundamental principles of the
    usage. especially the fundamentals of form controllings.

c) eFAQ: 

    A very complex example that shows extended features of the usage.


The included manuals are the official documentations, but they are not
always the most recent ones. Often you will find a .txt version and a
.swx version. The .txt version is written in "restructured text" or
"markdown" notation. .sxw files are rendered from this, so the .text
files may contain more recent documentations.


"TYPO3 4.0, Das Handbuch für Entwickler"

This book is from 2006. The last chapter about lib/div was
contributed by me during the early phase of development. The code has
changed a lot since then, the fundamental architectonical principles
still keep the same.

Wiki: http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/MVC_Framework

A good starting place, where you actively can contribute to share your
own experiences with other users.

Different external blogs:


Newsgroup: typo3.teams.extension-coordination

If you did not found answers to your questions in the mentioned
documents, your are invited to ask your questions in the
extension-coordinators newsgroup. In this case the question may also be
interesting for them.

Documentation for developers:

The developers contribute actively to conception, to the lib/div
sources, to related extensions like kickstarter__mvc or to the

Newsgroup: typo3.teams.extension-coordination

For this people the NG of ECT is the first address, to coordinate their

Concept documentation:

I will include concept papers into the documentation directory of the
extension. The audience for this documentations are the developers of
the ECT, but they may also give some background informations for
programmers that want to use lib/div.

Planned documents:


Alpha Phase:

I will gather the ideas in this document, that guided the
development. Based on the current expriences, I will point out what
changes need to be done that we can move to beta.

Beta Phase:

Here I will sketch down a more finegrained concept of the controller,
including hooks, subrequests to other controllers etc. things that
should be achived during Beta Phase. Some fundamental changings will be
done in a temporary branch of the alpha version in preperation of beta.

Stable Phase:

It's to early to start this documentation.

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