[TYPO3-ect] how to use printAs...() of tx_lib_phpTemplateEngine
Christian Welzel
gawain at camlann.de
Thu Apr 26 14:21:22 CEST 2007
hi there!
i want to use a template with phpTemplateEngine and the method per action in
controller approach of lib/div and im running into some problems:
i fill my model with
while($row =$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$entry = new tx_lib_object($row);
this works fine. my two test entries are filled into the model.
Now i want to use my view with is a subclass of tx_lib_phpTemplateEngine.
The PHP-File for the view gets loaded nicely and with a loop
<?php for($this->rewind(); $this->valid(); $this->next()) {
$entry = $this->current();
echo $entry->asDate('begin', '%d-%m-%Y');
echo ' - ';
$this->printAsDate('end', '%d-%m-%Y');
<?php } ?>
i get an output of two list elements. But how to access the data in the
> echo $entry->asDate('begin', '%d-%m-%Y');
This does not work, because $entry is not of type tx_lib_phpTemplateEngine.
> $this->printAsDate('end', '%d-%m-%Y');
This does not work because printAsDate() seems not to accept an fieldname as
first argument...
So what is the correct convension for calling this methods?
MfG, Christian Welzel
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