[TYPO3-ect] jQuery 1.1.2 Reloaded
Steffen Kamper
steffen at dislabs.de
Wed Apr 11 09:56:20 CEST 2007
"Joerg Schoppet" <joerg at schoppet.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:mailman.1.1176269356.10581.typo3-team-extension-coordination at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hash: SHA1
> Steffen Kamper wrote:
>> In my opinion we need something like an extension blog to spread deeper
>> informations to the public. Let me fantasize:
>> Every Ext-Author can publish News about his extension on a public blog.
>> People are informed about the extension and it's developing. A commenting
>> system would be helpful for both sides. Then we would have a central
>> point
>> besides the TER plugin, that only gives small informations.
>> Additionally every author can add a tutorial page to his extension
>> explaining installation / configuration etc.
> Hi,
> this sounds very good. As far as I know, there is a wiki-tag, which can
> automatically link from the wiki to the extension. An interesting
> approach would be the other way round, from TER to the wiki. In the wiki
> there can be a standard-template for extension-description-sites (EDS
> ;-) ), so each extension-wiki-site looks similar.
> But:
> 1. Who can answer, if such changes are possible to the wiki and the
> TER-fe?
> 2. Who can make these changes? (I've definitly no time until june)
> Regards
> Joerg Schoppet
Hi Joerg,
yes I know the wiki way. One idea of mine was to concentrate the infos to
one place (typo3.org) instead of spreading. Wiki is a place to easy author,
but has also it's limits.
Maybe i set up a blog and start it just to visualize my idea (may be in
summer :-) )
vg Steffen
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