[TYPO3-ect] Symmetric MM-Relations

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Thu Sep 28 20:04:53 CEST 2006

Oliver Hader wrote:
> Sebastian Kurfuerst schrieb:
> Indeed, I didn't notice this yet. I should have a close look at the
> version in the trunk. What do you think about setting attributes/roles
> to these mm-relations? How could this be done?

Yeah Oliver, pleas have a look. It seems that you are one of the most
competent in this field.

It would be interesting, if this solution is one of the assymetric
mm-relations accessed from two sides, wich would be a big step forward,
or does it provide real symmetric mm-relations like we have discussed it
within this thread.

The interesting question is: Can you select from multiple tables in both
directions, or are you limited to select from a single table in on of
the directions, because there is only one field "tables".

Breaking it down to the party framework: Can I choose from a mix of
groups and user tables from both directions of a link?

Have a nice evening


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