[TYPO3-ect] Symmetric MM-Relations

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Thu Sep 28 09:13:17 CEST 2006


the dark side of the moon is the MM support within TYPO3. Not only that
the official documentation says, that the comma separated list in a db
field is the default way to do it ....

uid_local - uid_foreign - tables - sorting

* MM realations only work unidirectional for the TCE.
* They also have an anbalanced naming uid_local and uid_foreign.
* There is only one field "tables", so that multitype selections could
only be done unidirectional, even if we could access the realtion from
both sides.

Mads Brunn and Rene Fritz try to solve the problem with the extensions
"bidirectional" and "mmforeign" by doing exactly this. They make the
unbalanced relation accessible from the other side. But that is only
half of the solution.

The relation itself is still anbalanced. It can relate one table type to
many table types by setting the field "tables". It is still not possible
to select from many table types from both sides of the relation. We
would need to fields "tables" to do this.

uid1 - ui2 - table1 - table2 - sorting1 - sorting2 - type/role(?)

One relation table obviously would take up all possible MM relations
this way.

Do we need this kind of realation? If so, how could we get it into the
core and into TCE?




If you ask what is the role, please have a look into the related posting

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