[TYPO3-ect] Future of different AJAX-libs?

Jan-Hendrik Heuing jan-hendrik.heuing at digitaldistrict.de
Wed Sep 13 20:43:19 CEST 2006


> To me this looks like a licence conflict. TYPO3 requires that
> has to come as GPL but there is no allowance in the contained
> MIT-Licence go change it to GPL.
> Probably this extension shouldn't be in TER at all from the view point
of lawers.

Not exactly. As long as  different certified tools do not access API of
TYPO3, they can be used together. I am not 100% sure about the package
itself though. But if I remember right, it's about common interfaces.
Let's say that you write your extension, put in some libs, access either
TYPO3 API as well as JS-lib-API, then your PHP code needs to stay GPL.
But that's it I think. 


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