[TYPO3-ect] Future of different AJAX-libs?

R. van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Tue Sep 12 17:38:26 CEST 2006

Elmar Hinz wrote:
> Michael Scharkow wrote:
>> The one good (IMHO) thing about prototype is that it adds a lot of
>> convenience to JS functions, like iterating over objects, etc. in a way
>> that is familiar to most programmers. If you need hardcore DOM
>> manipulation, you have to understand JS anyway, even when using xajax.
> I have no doubt that prototype is a powerfull library, else it wouldn't
> be such successfull. But it requires JS knowlage.
yes, but xajax needs that aswell.... No mather how you look at it
you NEED knowledge about any library to work with.
For me I don't understand xajax right now... I just know it does
something 'automagicly', yet xajax cannot help me create and modify
a DOM tree? right?
>> Using protoype would make it *very* easy to keep up with the upstream
>> version because it is essentially one single JS file.
> That is true. No messages about invalid classnames or misseing XCLASS
> footers. I wonder why nobody has published a prototype extension. Maybe
> the license doesn't match?
>>> I don't need all this goodies to simply display a menu tree. In this
>>> case performance is the most critical factor. A specially tailored
>>> version of ajax would still be the best solution for such critical tasks.
>> Displaying a menu tree does not involve much work with most AJAX libs,
>> and if we include prototype.js in all BE output, it will be cacheable
>> and not cost much performance.
> The point is that I dream of a BE that is so slim, that I don't need to
> turn caching on at all. There are lots of pitfalls if you turn caching
> on during developement.

Micheal is talking about caching of the prototype file itself,
not the webpage or created BE.

> Regards
> Elmar

Ries van Twisk
Freelance Typo3 Developer
=== Private:
email: ries at vantwisk.nl
web:   http://www.rvantwisk.nl/freelance-typo3.html
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=== Work:
email: ries at livetravelguides.com
web:   http://www.livetravelguides.com

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