[TYPO3-ect] Merging fhlibrary into tx_lib: pi_getSetupOrFFvalue

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Sat Sep 2 18:21:11 CEST 2006


I want to put the fh_library/lib/class.tx_fhlibrary_system.php into 
another extension. At the moment I need mergeExtendingTCAs for 
static_info_tables and do not want to make this dependant from fh_library.
The problem is that the ext_tables.php of static_info_tables_de gets 
called. But when it comes to tx_staticinfotables_div::getTCAlabelField
at line
then the language fields have disappeared.
So I think I will need the function above to make it work. Where and 
under which names can I put them?



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