[TYPO3-ect] Draft: Proposal of a resultbrowser pipe

Christian Welzel gawain at camlann.de
Fri Sep 1 12:04:58 CEST 2006

Martin Kutschker wrote:

> Nice, but the browserService should not restrict itself to SQL queries.
> IMHO it's the job of the calling code to provide the data, and not the job
> of the browser.

Of cause. This was only an example :)
It would definitely be better to feed an array of result-rows
or result-objects into the pagebrowser.

What i forgot to mention: the actual output of the browser
could get configured by TS (COA) or a callback-function
into the calling object.

function main() {
  data = db->getSelect('*', 'foo', where);
  b = getInstanceofService("resultbrowser");
  // or b->setRenderFunc(this->renderfunc);
  if(!b->showResults()) {
    // no page browsing mode
    // perhaps single view or armageddon.

Another cool thingy would be a new TS-object RESULTBROWSER which acts 
like CONTENT but also does the resultbrowser rendering.

 MfG, Christian Welzel

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