[TYPO3-ect] AJAX GET and POST variables

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Thu Nov 2 20:23:28 CET 2006

Chi Hoang a écrit :
> Franz Holzinger schrieb:
>> E.g. the L-parameter gets lost and therefore no language translation 
>> is used.
> <input type="hidden" name="l-parameter" value="1">

IMHO the GET/POST variables can only be transferred as parameters to the 
XAJAX function on the server side. t3lib_div::_GP('L') does not get 
anything here, because the FORM does not get submitted when using XAJAX.

E.g. in tt_products we have:

function showArticle($data)	{
   // We put our incomming data to the regular piVars
$this->piVars = array_merge($this->piVars, $data[$this->prefixId]);

I could add the L parameter as $data to this function. However it would 
be too late, because there would have been a IF statement in TypoScript 
about L.



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