[TYPO3-ect] MVC: Language object

Michael Scharkow mscharkow at gmx.net
Tue Mar 28 19:08:14 CEST 2006

Elmar Hinz wrote:

> Good points. Yes, we should not only provide the features of pi_base
> but improve them. As first milestone to provide the same.
> What ideas have you with a controller locallang?

None. Controller locallang is actually what we have now: A locallang for 
each pi1 (which translates into 'controller class' in our scheme).

>>Plus, we need to find a way to use labels as simply as possible in view
> I think it is the task of each template technology to solve this. For
> the development of the language object it will be enough to provide
> some simple functions as interface.

The locallang class should preferably be implemented with a dictionary 
interface, so I can just call LL['edit'] in whatever template language.


PS: Elmar, what about a meeting in the BTUG (which is this Thursday 
evening IIRC)?

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