[TYPO3-ect] Controller for Typo3

Joerg Schoppet joerg at schoppet.de
Wed Mar 22 11:40:05 CET 2006

Hi Michael,

I don't want to personal attack you or your code. Perhaps I've expressed the stuff with some wrong words. Sorry for that.

I think you are right, that there are a lot of similarities in our approaches. I've ported my thing from a another language-framework, in wich I've programmed several years. The main thing is the separation of business logic, persistent data and views.

Just one more question. If I need a multi-site layout, do I have any other possibility then flexform or CODE and then a switch-statement to handle this?

Michael Scharkow Wrote:

> Sorry, but I find this approach very backwards: You have the same plugin 
> in multiple places, you have a lot of redundant configuration, you 
> violate the DRY principle a lot.
What do you mean with "DRY" principle?

Joerg schoppet

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