[TYPO3-ect] Relations between MVC and FE Forms Library

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Tue Jun 27 08:53:53 CEST 2006

Ingmar Schlecht wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> Nick Weisser wrote:
>> I'd be interested to devote some time to the forms project. 
> That's great!
> Sebastian Kurfürst and me are currently thinking about working on such a
> form library which should replace TCEForms as well as serving as a form
> library for FE plugins. If we're going to do it, it would be great to
> have some helping hands.
> cheers
> Ingmar

Hello together,

due to the the fundamental architecture changes planned for 5.x Ingmar has
decided not to go this way, because his concept would make less sense for
the 4.x branch alone. Ingmar please correct me if this is not the right.

With this the question of the leadership of a common forms library project
is open again. Candidates seem to be:

Sebastian Kurfürst, Jeff Segars, Nick Weisser and Christoph Köhler.

Does anybody dare the first step?



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