[TYPO3-ect] 5.0 roadmap - continuation or new branch

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Mon Jun 12 11:20:14 CEST 2006


this discussion has already been started by Michaels proposal of a new
branch in t.dev some weeks before. Because this month there will be
reflection and decisions by the R&D upon the future roadmap, I would like
to get your opinions from the perspective of extension development.

A) 5.x as continuation of 4.x:


According to the roadmap 5.0 is version of improvement. Like in the past
this would mean making improvements that try to keep backwards
compatibility as much as possible.

For extensions this means that most of the existing extensions would work
without big adaptions.

B) Completly new branch:

Michaels proposal for 5.0 is, to start a completly new branch from scratch.
It is free to eliminta all lapses, because it doesn't need to consider any
backwards compatibilty. It can make use of all advantages PHP 5 provides.

It would take a long time and big efforts of the community to get 5.x to
stable. Therefore it would be assured that the 4.x branch is maintained in
parallel for a long time, until the 5.x branch has become very stable, wich
also will bind resources but could be done be an independent team.

Old extensions would continue to run in the 4.x branch, but mayor
alterations would be necessary to port them to in 5.x branch.

So wich of the 2 alternatives would you vote for?
Do you propose a third alternative?



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