[TYPO3-ect] The Big Plan II

Michael Scharkow michael at underused.org
Thu Jul 6 10:47:39 CEST 2006

Elmar Hinz wrote:

> a) Plain old form building: In Extensions the forms library can be used to
> program forms with it.

We can get inspiration from

although I would really like an additional label parameter to the form 
helpers because 99% of the time you need it anyway, like

function text_field($name, $value, $label='',$options=$array()){}

function radio_button($name, $value, $label='',$checked=False, 

etc, I hope the API is clear. Have a look at the symfony code for this, 
and if nobody else has time to do it, I will code it within the next 
week or two.


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