[TYPO3-ect] Lauching the "Partner Framework" project

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Wed Jan 25 13:08:56 CET 2006

Elmar Hinz schrieb am 25.01.2006 09:10:

> (...)
> css_styled_content, dam, tv and others have been available as extensions long
> before they were accepted to belong to the core extensions. Two times in this
> week companies told me, that they would contribute, if they had garantees that
> their contribution would go to the core directly. It is pure MARKETING if a
> company can tell the customer, "We are a company, that has contributed to THE
> CORE." They don't want to contribute "only" a core extension, they want to
> improve the "real" core by new features.
> That is a stopper. The interests of companies marketing to have contributed to
> THE CORE and to have the acceptance garanteed before contribution is
> inconsistent with the practice to intensivly test and improve extension before
> counting it to the core.

I don't understand the problem here. If a company wants to spend time
and money into developing something good for the TYPO3-community, why
shouldn't they then use that afterwards to promote themselves? I think
the fact that companies are making money with TYPO3 is one of basic
points that the project is moving forward.

Its not like they will be adding stuff to the core that we don't want
to, especially because nothing is added to the "core" without some
agreement between the "core-team" (see core-team mailing list), which is
known to be wise and non-corruptable. ;)

The "core" is already very slim and most stuff is already being done in
extensions (be it system extensions). The tecnical separation is already
there. Its just that many extensions ship with TYPO3 (which then many
people call as "the core"), but their number is shrinking (e.g. tt_news,
tt_products, etc, used to ship with "the core").

I think its a matter of taste to call "the core" the whole typo_src
package or just the everything in there that's not an extensions. So if
some companies marketing teams uses the term "the core" to speak also of
system extensions, I have no problem with that. Or is there any?


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