[TYPO3-ect] T3N Article

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Tue Jan 17 15:28:47 CET 2006

Hash: SHA1

Patrick Rodacker schrieb:
> As I mentioned on the wiki, I am interested in:
> 1. helping with concepts and other mindwork ;-)

So it's important that you support the discussion in the newsgroup, that we get

> 2. supporting the creation of TYPO3 quickstart packages - in special I
> think of a package for universities / schools

I can mention you as a co-responsible in this team?

> 3. taking part in the development of an extension rating system project

see below

> Some additions and questions:
> 1. Do you have a written concept for the TYPO3 quickstart packages? How
> can I contribute to the overall definition of the packages?

I still have not written concept, but I see this phases:

a) Looking around: We will need to see what is currently possible and what is
already done. The import/export extension, the upcoming quickstart package, the
developments of WEC, the educational package of the us group.

b) First testcase: The test case would be a blog for me. There are allready
themes available for timtab. Ingo will surly be able to give a lot of input.
"Typo3 is more than a Blog" could become a slogen for the whole line.

c) Conception: Now we know what is possible and what still needs to be
developed. All packages should be based on common libraries and tools. I kind of
modular system

d) Realisation: Developing necessary tools. Building the packages.

> 2.
>>* TYPO3 Classic
>>* TYPO3 Blog
>>* TYPO3 Forum
>>* TYPO3 Wiki
>>* TYPO3 Event
>>* TYPO3 Portal
>>* TYPO3 Groupware
> Are these packages fixed or is there an open discussion goin on?

We are at the very beginning of discussion.

> 3.
>>* Userwertungen aufgeschlüsselt nach sinnvollen Kriterien wie Nutzen,
>>Dokumentation, Support.
>>* Userkommentare gut sichtbar auf der jeweiligen Extension-Seite.
>>* Links zu zugehörigen Tools: Bugtracker,  Newsgroup, Wiki.
>>* Jobbörse auf der Extension Eigentümer mit Teammitglieder für Ihre
>>Extension suchen können.
> This sounds like an already existing definition / specification. Is
> there a discussion or are these your thougts about it?

No, we still haven't got so far in discussion to have a definition. But I simply
needed to write something for the article. So it is rather a collection of
proposals I picked up in different threads from different people. We still need
to work on it.

> I don't know if I have the skills and the experience to become the
> leader of the project for an extension rating system. If there is nobody
> else who feels more pleasant and willing to do the job, I offer to make
> a start and rethink about it.

I think you should dare to take this project into your hands. The first step
will be to communicate with Robert Lemke about this. He is working on TER2,
isn't he? After the TER2 BE is done, I expect he will work on the FE of TER. Ask
 him, if conceptional work is welcome for this. As a good manager of development
he will probably be glad to see a lot of people working on the different fields.

Currently there is the TYPO3 4.0 stress. Expect his full answers rather after
this period.



- --
Climate change 2006 is killing people: floods in California, drought and fires
in Australia, Texas, Sahel, Oklahoma, South Africa. The Bush administration is
responsible for corruption of the Kyoto Protocol. The US majority is responsible
to the world for reelection of a convictable [...censored by Echelon...].
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