[TYPO3-ect] Solutions for rights management

Sebastian Kurfuerst sebastian at garbage-group.de
Tue Jan 10 19:33:23 CET 2006


> Let's take a scenario out of real life. Imagine an NPO or church with 10
> different workgroups each organized by an moderator. We assign one directory
> tree to each workgroup. The workgroup members become authors, the moderators
> become editors. Authors can edit texts, while editors can also create and delete
> pages.
> Now imagine someone is a simple member in one workgoup but the moderator of
> another. A daily situation. Being in the groups of editors he could create and
> delete pages of the workgroup his is not the moderator of.
> Do your proposals (group-based roles) cover this sitution?
Yes, an editors/writers group for every part of the tree has to be
created. - um just found out you wrote this below :)
Anyways, this would work with be_acl then without any problems.

> Roles differ from groups. Someone could get the role of an editor assigned to
> his team only.
umm, I am not sure how you meant this.

> With roles only need to configure one ModeratorRole and one EditorRole. They are
> repeatedly "assgingned" to the 10 teams. The rights of the moderator would
> result of this "assignment".  Hi has the EditorRole of TeamA.
that's interesting, but I don't yet see how it could work. If anybody
has ideas, that would be great. I'll think about it as well.

Greets, Sebastian

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