[TYPO3-ect] Official voting for Extension Award 2005

Zach Davis zach at castironcoding.com
Thu Jan 5 19:56:29 CET 2006

Elmar Hinz wrote:

> Most people have given more votes to the core type extensions. It's a little bit
> like with a body. Nobody can live without his heart and nodbody would like to
> live without his legs. But in doubt we decide for the heart. To have both kinds
> in the same category is problematic. Maybe we should seperat them next time.

I think Elmar makes a good point here. There's been some fair criticism 
leveled at chc_forum (I'll be the first to admit that it's still a work 
in progress) in these threads, all of which is helpful in thinking about 
what needs to be done on that ext. As an extension developer, it's great 
to get balanced criticism from other extension developers; now I know 
what to work on for the next release!

At the same time, I think if I were voting, I'd be hard pressed to 
choose timbtab, timtaw, or even chc_forum (my baby!) over rte_htmlarea, 
the DAM, or cron_cssstyledimgtext -- those are extensions that I use on 
just about every typo3 site I develop, without fail. chc_forum, on the 
other hand, is something I've only used occasionaly on client sites. 
Maybe having more clearly defined categories next time around would help 
  even things up a bit..(eg: best frontend plugin, best admin tool, etc)

In the end, I think this competition is a great idea, and my hat goes 
off to Elmar for putting it together and keeping it going. Nice job, man.


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