[TYPO3-ect] [TYPO3-extension-coordination] Quickstart and testsite packages for TYPO3 4.0

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Tue Jan 3 17:59:45 CET 2006

Michael Stucki wrote:

> Maybe they can, but in that case we cannot change that. Can you please add
> this "missing feature" to the bugtracker (setting the version to 4.0beta2)?
> I will see if I can work on it, otherwise someone else can still write a
> patch for the feature...

Submitted as bug #2169.  I'll try to submit a patch in the next day or 
so also.

>>> There are a lot of setting, yes. Maybe we need a small tutorial therfore?
>>> What about a little GIF animation like it is already done in the
>>> extension "quickhelp"?
>> That sounds like a very good idea, especially if the time/manpower to
>> create a simplified wizard is limited.
> OK. Will you do that?

Sure.  I'll have it done by the end of the week.


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