[TYPO3-ect] Official voting for Extension Award 2005

JoH info at cybercraft.de
Tue Jan 3 01:58:02 CET 2006

> After looking over your reasons for voting, I'm actually confused
> about the purpose of this award. I thought it was to give an award to
> developers who have created high quality extensions and who have given
> above average support and documentation. It shouldn't be based on
> whether you like forums, Rich Text Editors, blogs or wikis (that's
> what proposals are for), but on the basis of the quality of the
> programming, support, number of upgrades, documentation,
> interoperability between other extensions, etc. (BTW, much of this
> was taken from the email Elmar originally sent out.)

Well - that's your point of view - and it might be a good one - mine is

> In other words, your vote needs to be based on the skills and the
> amount of time given by the developer(s) and not on your preference
> of the extension. Since the developers have donated a lot of hard
> work over the years to these projects, I think they deserve more
> consideration.

I don't think that it's up to you to tell the members of the jury what their
vote should be based on.
If your proposal is your personal favourite, fine! - Let's see how many
people vote for it.
"Amount of time given by the developer" as a criteria for my voting is just
ridiculous. We are not voting for the slowest developer but for the best
extension, aren't we?
"The best" is not about quantity but quality and a good developer could have
done a high quality extension in just a few hours.
Skills might be a good criteria, since a highly skilled developer might do a
good job in a few days just like Ernesto did with cron-CSS-styled-imgtext.
But to enlighten you about my other criteria:
In the first place "the best" extension must be useful. Useful for endusers
using TYPO3. Useful for the developers working with TYPO3. Useful for the
reputation of TYPO3.
Since TYPO3 is a Content Management System IMHO it's more useful to have an
extension that enables you to serve your customers with content elements
according to the accessibility guidelines than creating a community
extension that could have been done by installing phpbb or the like as well.
Before the existance of cron-css-styled-imgtext it was simply impossible to
create valid and accessible HTML output without lots of manual TypoScript
modifications and workarounds. And this is why I think that this extension
is much more useful than any forum or RTE could be. - Did I mention that I
don't like forums? ;-)

Same thing with DAM. It's one of the most important extensions that has been
awaited for a very long time.
And in this case I bet it will additionally meet all your conditions: Long
production time and a highly skilled developer.

The funny thing is that I didn't even mention in my original voting that I
don't like blogs or wikis - this is something you must have derived from my
postings on typo3.us and some other lists.
And this brings us to another assumption: Could it be that you just don't
like my attitude?
If this is the case lets at least determine that I am allowed to vote based
on my own thoughts and opinions even if they don't suit your personal taste.

> Or am I wrong?

Yes ...
I don't see any rules that forbid to vote for extensions based on personal

If I had to vote for the best proposal you would have got 5 points for your
great advertising of CHC forum - but this will not change my vote because I
have to vote for the best extension regardless of the proposals quality.

Have a nice day


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