[TYPO3-ect] "Extension cooperation"

Jan-Hendrik Heuing [DD] jhh at digitaldistrict.de
Tue Aug 29 11:15:23 CEST 2006

Hi !

This time, I am asking for something, which is probably as close as possible 
to the original name of the team :-)

We will work on a project, where I would like to split parts into different 
extensions. Those extensions are working closely together in different ways. 
So I thought it might be the right time to think about common interfaces, 
plugin methods and such. And I also think that this should be part of 
Elmar's lib's to make it available generally.

I would like to know who else is interested in this part, would like to join 
the group for some common brainstorming and discussion in the first step, 
and implementation in the second.

Beside the core idea of it, extending functionality of one extension through 
another one, I do see other parts as well, which are related to stylesheet, 
common rendering technologies and such. And that is why I would also like to 
look and templating in general. So this could be another team, anything 
related to output and rendering. Evaluating the differences between TEMPLATE 
(and it's PHP-solutions), TV, xslt-based stuff and so on. There has been a 
discussion before, I will collect input I find.

So anyone either interested in a) plugin coorperation, or b) templating 
tools, get in touch!


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