[TYPO3-ect] News about XCLASSES?

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at kraftb.at
Tue Aug 22 22:58:23 CEST 2006

R. van Twisk wrote:

> Ask Kraft Bernhard,
> her already made something and I believe he has it working.
> I don't know details thought cauze I try to avoid xlassing at any cost.
> Ries

I have an XCLASS manager which allows you to change the order which file XCLASSes which other
so you can "chain" XCLASSes so they work together - this is done using an BE module which displays
the XCLASS structure graphicall in a tree.

It works mostly but has some small issues - it is not intended to be used without any prior test on
a non-production system ...

You can download it from here:


But I already tought days and nights about how to solve the XCLASS problem ... I didn't find any proper
solution ...

I do not know very much about patterns (except the singleton pattern) but I did never really get it how
an decorator pattern could achive it that I dynamically change methods of specific classes .... at runtime.

If you have a working method please let me know and show me some code :)

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