[TYPO3-ect] typo3.org and ter_fe update ( was Re: Regular IRC conferences failed)

Michael Scharkow michael at underused.org
Fri Aug 18 19:12:13 CEST 2006

Elmar Hinz wrote:
> perhaps you could give us a short summary:

Okay. I'll x-post to teams.t3.org,

> What has been reached?

Last saturday night Robert and I (together with the T3DD06 party crowd) 
deployed ter_fe first on our new typo3.org testing platform and (just 
before getting kicked out of the location) finally on typo3.org. We also 
modified the site's CSS to fit in the new ter_fe and ratings. Ratings 
work, but there are some small issues left, like a missing check for 
ownership before rating, and a better RealURL configuration. I have it 
here and partially working on the test server, but I have not yet a full 
ssh account on t3.org, so deployment is still pending. (apart from me 
working for uni and going on vacation)

> What is planned for future?

Better filtering, pagination, a few niceties (linking to author's email, 
linking to an ext's wiki page), better documentation rendering (pdf, etc.).

We also need better categories, and I'm very tempted to say Patrick 
Gaumond's proposals should just be implemented (which IIRC must be done 
both in TER and EM, and possibly the kickstarter).

> How will TER development be organized?

At the moment Robert and I are in charge, while Sebastian works on CSS 
(badly needed). Jan-Hendrik and Peter Kühn will probably branch from 
mainline ter_* to do funky stuff like svn-based storage, and they are 
also working on private repos and making EM work with multiple repos. I 
expect Karsten will have a word on EM as well.

> Will it be more easy to contribute something?

It has been easy for a long time. All the code is in typo3xdev, even 
templates and CSS are now in typo3_sites (although not up to date 
because we need to merge stuff together). Contributing is as easy as 
filing a bug *and* attaching a patch.

We also need someone who has experience with the docbook toolchain 
(docbook->xslt->fo->pdf, etc.) and will help us set up better 
documentation by providing a docbook template for manuals, setting up 
and testing renderers, etc. We will probably announce that during the 
next weeks, but if anybody here is willing and able, step forward!

> How will the typo3.org teams be organized? Is the teams page up to date:
> http://typo3.org/teams/typo3org/? Who are the responsible persons to attend to?
> Where should the ECT teams page go to? http://typo3.org/teams/?
> http://association.typo3.org/committees/research-development/teams/?

Sorry, I have no idea about typo3.org *content* and I will not work as a 
typo3.org editor. Again, we need contributors here who organise all the 
content on t3.org.

As a final word: I've gained a huge amount of motivation in Dietikon, 
and I'd like to thank Robert, Rupi, Stucki, Sebastian, Karsten, Thomas 
and all the other guys who helped getting a better ter_fe with ratings 
finally up and running in a night's session. Credits also go out to 
Mario for the great organisation and the beer ;)

(Sorry, but just like Dmitry I had to say this: T3DD06 was awesome!)


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