[TYPO3-core] TYPO3 Usability & Backend Apps

Oliver Hader oliver.hader at typo3.org
Sat May 2 16:13:46 CEST 2015

Hi everybody,

first: Welcome & thanks Andi for accepting the challenge of digging
deeper into the TYPO3 CMS Core and working on the crucial path of a
better user experience for editors! Not the easiest topic.. ;)

For those that are confronted with the "backend apps" or "focus apps"
thingy the first time, I'd like to share some thoughts with you that
have been grown during T3UXW14 last year.

First there are some slides from Mattes putting some more light on the
sub-topics and current drawbacks [1]:

Thus, the "backend apps" project is about creating dedicated,
extensible, reusable components (or "modules") to streamline editors'
workflow. And some of these components (e.g. a listing module) needs to
interact with other, different components, like a clipboard, page-tree
or notification widget.

These features are available already within the current TYPO3 CMS
backend, sure there's a page-tree and new notification widget and the
famous list-module.
However, the backend user list view reinvents the concept of searching
and filtering again since the basic list module does not fulfil the
demands. The category tree, element browser tree and the file tree are
very different to the mentioned page-tree...

The challenge is now, to identify how things can be "merged" in general
and how those could be turned into configurable and extensible
components. Thus, the project also touches data-binding and technical
encapsulation, like e.g. web components [2] does already.

So, please support Andi to identify more of these challenges and also
share your thoughts about it. I'm sure everybody wondered about the
differences of the current "Web>Page" and "Web>List" module... ;)

Thanks & All the best


Am 30.04.15 um 09:27 schrieb Andreas Steiger:
> Hi TYPO3 Community,
> My name is Andreas Steiger, 29 years old and student of the University
> of Applied Science in Hof/ Germany. In the next few months I'm going to
> write my master thesis. The focus of this thesis is Apps in TYPO3 CMS.
> My intention is to analyse and optimize the usability principles for end
> users (editors and integrators) using the concept of "Focus Apps". This
> topic has been discussed during T3UXW14 and seems to be a great
> enhancement for CMS 8. I'm going to work intensively on this issue until
> September 2015. However, the implementation of the whole concept is too
> much for one person that's why I'm focusing on a new customizable list
> module using the Backend App concept.
> Do you have any ideas or great new concepts concerning Backend Apps /
> "Focus Apps" in TYPO3 CMS? Please let me know and get in touch with me -
> either via this list, mail or on Slack. Let's bring together our
> knowledge and develop an amazing prototype for Apps in TYPO3. I'm
> looking forward to your feedback.
> I've been working and developing with TYPO3 CMS for 2 years and I really
> like it. I'm inspired by the great new usability concepts and upcoming
> features for CMS 7. That's why I'm eager to dig much more into this
> topic of improving user experience and usability. Besides that, I'm
> really happy and motivated now having the chance to give something back
> to the TYPO3 Community with my master thesis.
> Best,
> Andi
> -  typo3 (at) andreassteiger.de  -

Oliver Hader
TYPO3 CMS Core Team Leader

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