[TYPO3-core] Decisions and Changes to Coding Guidelines (CGL)

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Thu Jan 30 15:15:06 CET 2014

> *Examples:*
> - Use (int) instead of intval() or (integer)
> - Use (bool) instead of boolval() or (boolean)
> - Use (string) instead of strval()

Just to clarify this.
It will be (int) $foo and not (int)$foo, I guess?

> b) When checking if one part starts in another
> "GeneralUtility::isFirstPartOfStr()" shall be used.

Is this really the final decision?
As far as I followed the discussion, the agreement was to deprecate that 
method and use standard PHP functions instead.

Don't want to upen up a new discussion about that, but I need to know 
how to proceed with the related tasks.



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Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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