[TYPO3-core] Raise MySQL requirements?

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Thu Jan 9 17:47:06 CET 2014

Hi Aske,

thanks for your input. Most of the problems can be (AFAIK) circumvented
if you set a proper sql_mode [1] for your TYPO3 connection to MySQL 5.6.

It seems that a new default sql_mode is in the wild
"STRICT_TRANS_TABLES", which makes TYPO3 CMS behave as you describe [2].
So basically TYPO3 is not compatible with this mode (which has been
around with MySQL since ages, but was never activated by default).

So the solution is to hardcode "SET SESSION sql_mode='';" in your
setDBinit so that this is configured upon every connection.

This needs to be documented in the INSTALL.md document yet.


[1] http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/server-sql-mode.html
[2] http://forge.typo3.org/issues/18866 and many others

Aske Ertmann schrieb am 09.01.2014 16:39:
> Hi,
> Just a little input regarding the testing of compatibility of 5.6. I tried using 5.6 recently and had a lot of problems that were kinda nasty. If you install TYPO3 from scratch using the install tool everything seems to work fine. However if you import an existing TYPO3 database running 5.1-5.5 you’ll get all kinds of issues. Reason is that MySQL changed some stuff related to default values resulting in problems with the be_users and be_session tables. So it couldn’t create a new admin user in the install tool and the backend login didn’t work due to MySQL errors when trying to store the backend session.
> Keep in mind that the database compare didn’t mention anything had to be changed. This was a 6.1 installation with a dumb from a mysql 5.5 imported into a mysql 5.6. I got it working but decided to downgrade to 5.5 since there could be all sorts of similar problems with other tables.
> So for making TYPO3 5.6 compatible I think the SQL parser needs to be more clever regarding default values (something that’s already quite buggy).
> Just wanted to mention this in case someone start checking 5.6 compatibility.
> ...
> On 09/01/2014, at 14.14, Benny Schimmer <bschimmer at cross-content.com> wrote:
>> raising to 5.5 and changing all tables to innoDB could help to improve Performance:
> This is true, but I don’t think this would be any argument for forcing that.
> Best regards
> Aske

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