[TYPO3-core] JumpUrl restructuring

Alexander Stehlik alexander.stehlik at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 17:09:01 CEST 2013

Hi Guys,

in the last couple of days I spent some time looking into the jump URL 
feature. Originally I intended to supply a patch for 
http://forge.typo3.org/issues/52156 but I e ended up creating a new 
JumpUrlUtility class for bringing all the JumpUrl functionality in one 

The good thing about this rewrite is, that all places where jump URLs 
can be configured the same options are available. This was not always 
the case in the old integration.

Another issue is tackled with this patch. When creating file links with 
the typoLink method the parameter that was expected needed to be created 
in a very special way so that everything works properly:

str_replace('%2F', '/', $fileUrl);

This is not very convenient. The new version simply expects a 
rawurlencoded version of the file URL which can be called by stdWrap. It 
will also make sure that files with special characters that are linked 
using their FAL UID will work (which is currently not always the case).

I created a bunch of Unit Tests to make sure the system behaves the same 
before and after the patch. You can use the ContentObjectRendererTest 
class to test an unpatched master. The tests will be cleaned so that 
they only work in the patchted version when you are finished testing :)

Would be great to get some feedback and hints for improvements or 
further tests.


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