[TYPO3-core] Status of TYPO3 6.2 LTS

Adrian Zimmermann azimmermann at snowflake.ch
Thu Nov 21 09:42:56 CET 2013

hey ernesto, stucki & steffen

you're right, the smaller projects will not be the problem, but we have some big ones starting in the next weeks and i think going with 6.2 beta 2 (coming out today right?) could be a way to go. the other thing is, that of course we could help do some fixing and perhaps help out with some FAL (which we also see as the critical thing) support, since our devs here already looked at it since 6.1. and what is also a very good thing in this context is that ernesto will be here in zurich for a 6.2 training internally at snowflake and also for a public training. so we'll discuss of course what we as snowflake could do and i'm sure that a lot of other agencies are also already working on 6.1 or 6.2 beta which can give a lot of inputs and help. 

regarding the awaited (official) statement of the T3A: for snowflake as a T3A member i just would be the logic thing to do when you think of the members as stakeholders in this whole picture. for those members the T3A is kind of 'contracting partner' (of course it's not a contract in a classical way), but we are paying the membership fee to the T3A and as you see in the bylaws the T3A has the following tasks:

1.  Events for the purpose of information and further training;
2.  Internal and external communication to spread knowledge and competence 
for using the system;
3.  Sustained, particularly long-term further development of the software project 
4.  Securing trademark rights in the interests of the TYPO3 community.

points 2 and 3 are important in this case for me: communication and responsible for long-term further development of the software project TYPO3. i think it's clear that an LTS version is of course part of that and that's why snowflake as a member would be happy (and is awaiting) an official statement by our T3A which we pay memberships to. i don't think it's an exotic wish and i'm sure that other members also wait for that.

thanks a lot!

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