[TYPO3-core] Install Tool - All configurations -> Confirmation Page empty

Robert Wildling robertwildling at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 10:08:08 CET 2013

Hi, Core Team,

(sorry, I posted this message in the wrong list, the dev list; should be 
here though...)

In the German list I posted my "observation" that the "confirmation" 
page of the "All configurations" menu in the Install tool won't list the 
changes any more after hitting the update button (and there is also one 
error: thumbnails - 2nd option from the top - won't update).

My question:
Why was that function removed?
Which changes have been made to the install tool that made a removal 
Will it come back?

This was a good and important feature, I really do not understand why it 
was removed and ask to re-implement it again. (I already posted a bug 
report on forge.)

Thank you!

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