[TYPO3-core] declare(encoding='UTF-8'); in extension config files

Xavier Perseguers xavier at typo3.org
Mon Feb 25 11:22:28 CET 2013


> We've created a patch for this, http://forge.typo3.org/issues/40069
> Helmut Hummel is in favor[2] of simply declaring the declare()
> statements as "not allowed" in ext_localconf.php/ext_tables.php files,
> thus making the issue a non-issue by ignoring it.

And I must say I agree here as I still don't get the point of having a
declare() statement in those files, please provide a use-case where it
really makes sense.

> I think that TYPO3 should handle this case: Using declare statements is
> allowed in PHP, and useful for both editing tools and and PHP output.
> What do you think?

We may put restrictions in files such as ext_localconf.php and
ext_tables.php of what we support or not, please give us an example of
why it's worth having that.

Kind regards

Xavier Perseguers
Release Manager TYPO3 4.6

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