[TYPO3-core] Age of developers

Thomas Maroschik tmaroschik at dfau.de
Sat Feb 16 15:16:04 CET 2013

Hi @all,

Am 15.02.13 10:01, schrieb Bernhard Kraft:
 > Hello !
 > I have one more thing to bother you during the next time: I would 
like to
 > know how old many of you are. Just to have an overview how much of
 > evolving computers you have seen ...

Thomas Maroschik, 26, born in 1986

My first computer was an used Am486 Based 66MhZ computer with some Mb of 
Ram and a some Mb 5 1/4" harddisk or so by the age of 9. I always had 
quite old hardware and it wasn't suitable for games. So I started to put 
SuSE Linux on the boxes at the age of 10. First real programming was 
Bash/Batch scripting by 12 and PHP by 13. HTML and Flash by 11.



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