[TYPO3-core] TCA, ext_tables.php and caching concept

Oliver Hader oliver.hader at typo3.org
Tue Feb 12 19:27:11 CET 2013

Hi Dmirty,

Am 12.02.13 17:03, schrieb Dmitry Dulepov:
> Hi!
> Christian Kuhn wrote:
>> All in all we think that both frontend and backend performance will
>> increase with this concept. Next patches to move TCA around will follow
>> soon and after that the cache layers will be integrated. The whole thing
>> is *must have* for 6.1, otherwise we will do some sort of roll-back.
> It still does not explain:
> - what was the *practical* goal of this change?

Well, it does, as well as explaining the accordant steps. Basically it's
"We realised the TCA handling must be improved to gain speed and to make
things easier for developers at the same time." which also means to have
a transparent layer for TCA, have the procedure as part of the bootstrap
mechanism and also ease the cross-linked runtime behaviour for
developers that don't now much about those internals and just want to
concentrate on build the application layer.

So besides "because we can" there are some valid aspects making this
change acceptable.

> - why would you slow down TYPO3 first and fight next to bring the same
> speed back?

Interative steps in refactoring are not bad instead of trying to solve
everything at one time. Besides that smaller chunks can be reviewed and
understood better...

FAL was a project that aimed to have the full featured solution
available in an external repository. In the end it turned out, that
merging and keeping track of the in-between changes in the Core made it
just more complicated to get things back. Iterations of working code in
the Core would have been much better in that regard. It's not exactly
the same with TCA, but comparable.

Or in other words:

∑(i=0;∞) 1/2^i = 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 + 1/64 + 1/128 + ...

Which then just turns out to be "2" in the end. So, first reducing the
complexity, work with the result and see that the result can actually be
written much easier in the end.

> - why do you think the performance will improve?

What makes you think it won't improve at all?

Oliver Hader
TYPO3 CMS Core Team Leader

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