[TYPO3-core] Review system woes

Michael Stucki michael.stucki at typo3.org
Fri Feb 8 23:51:22 CET 2013

Hi Philipp,

>> When you have two agencies (let's take the companies of Dmitry and
>> Olivier for example), that would already give 3 core developers which
>> would totally suffice to push the changes through Gerrit.
> So why do they claim that this is an issue of Gerrit?
> That just softly enforces the review rules and enables easy and fast 
> reviews.

I don't think it's an issue of Gerrit. Gerrit might raise the barriers
in for new contributors, but every core team member is familiar with
using it.

> I think the main problem here is communication. If the companies would 
> organize code sprints dedicated to business needs then those patches could 
> be reviewed fast and with little delay.

Exactly. See my other mail.

> Another option (but it needs more discipline) would be to free one dev for 
> one day of the month to do reviews and to propose patches that turned out to 
> be useful - once again the issue is the communication to synchronize those 
> "free work" days.

That was the goal of the monthly bug days...

Greetings, Michael
Michael Stucki
TYPO3 Core Team member

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