[TYPO3-core] Review system woes

Georg Ringer typo3 at ringerge.org
Fri Feb 8 17:40:55 CET 2013


Am 08.02.2013 17:30, schrieb Alexander Opitz:
> And thats why so many users are unhappy, if they post hints or own
> patches without having the stress with gerrit. Not everybody have the
> time to set all things up.

but how can this be improved? A review system is needed and a CVS is 
needed. Many companies uses git in their company already and gerrit is 
pretty much the same to push than a normal git repository in office.

at least I made this experience in my company.

> There are companies who want that it works, not that their developer
> needs a half day to push the change back to TYPO3.

which is just not true. Opening the system to GIT was a big success 
because now anyone can really contribute to the core and every extension 
using this workflow too and everybody can really check out the things of 
a different user.

Everybody is happy for getting real improvements, everything is really 
open and not closed


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