[TYPO3-core] FAL handling of missing files

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Fri Aug 30 09:13:18 CEST 2013

> Some more digging later, the file is actually not missing. It is marked
> as deleted, but somehow the Filelist module still tries to access it...

More digging: am I right in guessing that  handling of deleted FAL 
records changed at some point along the way between 6.1.0 and 6.1.3 (at 
least, or 6.1-dev)?

I had several sys_file records with their deleted flag set to 1. These 
made the Filelist module crash with an uncaught exception. I manually 
reset those flags to 0 and deleted the files again via the Filelist 
module. Now I see that the deleted is apparently no longer used (it 
remains 0). The file is deleted physically, but not the record in the 

Is all this process normal? It seems weird that records should stay.

And when did this process change? Were there some instructions issued 
about updating the database to do something about those sys_file records 
with deleted = 1?



Francois Suter

Work: Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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