[TYPO3-core] Strategy for deprecation log

Steffen Müller typo3 at t3node.com
Tue Apr 2 15:51:20 CEST 2013


On 02.04.2013 11:48 Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] wrote:
> Another aspect to consider is to disable deprecation log by default, as
> it only "annoys" people which are not interested in it. I know that we
> want to "annoy" people as much as possible using deprecated stuff in
> their extensions, but this annoyance also hits customers who just want
> to use the system and are not programmers at all.

Thanks for this suggestion. I agree.

The goal of enabling this by default was to educate developers. But the
effect was annoyed users (not developers) by superfluous files.
It has never been proved that education was successfully. I rather see
usage of deprecated methods even in core, although the situation became
much better since some month. Not to speak about extensions.


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