[TYPO3-core] Budget request for v4-Team 2013

Steffen Gebert steffen.gebert at typo3.org
Tue Sep 25 23:04:22 CEST 2012

Hash: SHA1

Hi Ernesto,

thanks for making the request public!

> PS: I wanted to post this also on "buzz.typo3.org" but somehow my
> account is not working anymore since the "new typo3.org"  :)

buzz.typo3.org wasn't touched during the relaunch.
I can see that you already tried to login using the correct openid.. but
weird. I can't see the reason, why it didn't work :-(

Kind regards

- -- 
Steffen Gebert
TYPO3 v4 Core Team Member
TYPO3 Server Administration Team Member

TYPO3 .... inspiring people to share!
Get involved: http://typo3.org

I work for TYPO3 solely in my spare time. If you think that
my work helps you running your business, you are invited to
send me a donation via PayPal to this email address. Thanks

On 9/25/12 10:36 PM, Ernesto Baschny wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm the current Budget Manager of the TYPO3"v4" Core Team and thus
> submitted two budget applications to the TYPO3 Association for use in
> 2013. During the T3CON there will be a 15 min slot for me to present
> this application. Read about the whole application process here [1].
> Remember that the T3A Association Members will be able to vote on the
> applications, and at the end the EAB decides on the exact distribution
> of allocated money.
> Here I'll try to explain my application a bit. Many of you probably
> never even heard about "Budgets" of the "Core Team" before, so here's a
> chance to understand it (and ask questions and discuss it if you like).
> First let me review our granted budget in 2012 (application until 2012
> was made by Ingmar Schlecht, which passed that task to me last year).
> Check out the detailed explanation of our budget application 2012 here:
> [2]. It was basically split up like this:
> a) Travel Expenses: €20.000
> b) Release Management: €6.800
> c) Core Team Lead: €39.600
> d) Co-Core Team Lead: €15.840
> e) Important Development: €7.500
> f) Joint v4/v5: €36.000
> For 2013 we've chosen this setup:
> a) Travel (T3DD+T3CON, v4+Phoenix), incl. T3CON tickets: €37.800 (*)
> b) Release Management: €7.200
> c) Core Team Leadership: €23.760
> d) Core Team Co-Leadership: €31.680
> e) Core Team Coder & Quality Assurance: €15.840
> f) Important Development/Design: €7.920
> g) Code Sprints: €16.080
> Read all details in the our application forms, available for download
> here [3].
> (*) Travel is now a *separate* budget request!!
> An explanation of the changes to 2012 and their motivation:
> 1) Travel expenses which used to cover the v4 team's cost for coming to
> T3DD and T3CON have been *split up* into a separate budget. Read the
> description in the attached
> "TYPO3-Meetings-2013-budget_app_form.odt/pdf". That new budget will
> cover all "active developers" for 2 events and also for all relevant
> core (v4/Phoenix) and supporting teams and  individual (Security,
> Extbase, Design). We also decided to invite the active contributors to
> the T3CON (paying also the expensive ticket), as explained and justified
> in the description.
> 2) Leader: Olly decided that he cannot spend the same amount of time
> planned until 2012 on core leader activity anymore, so his time-share
> was lowered.
> 3) Co-Leader: Helmut (and Benni) will try to work more on the core in
> the near future. Note that Helmut isn't officially our Co-Leader yet.
> The internal team structure will still be discussed during our T3CON
> meet-up, but it doesn't really matter for the purpose of the budget
> application. :)
> 4) Coder: Christian Kuhn is still motivated to continue on his
> "heart-job" of code cleanups, testing, Q&A and general coding /
> bug-fixing. Being that a job that he does so well and with so much
> dedication (stuff that noone else wants to do...), he'll be at least in
> part financed for this, which is the new "Coder" part of the budget. We
> can also use this for some other "coder" during 2013, so the position
> might also shift over time. If you recall, some years ago Jeff Segars
> did some payed "coding" for parts that were important for 4.5 release at
> that time. Keep in mind that we'll probably want to produce the *next
> LTS* during 2013, so having a semi-dedicated "coder" is vital for it to
> work out well (as we've learned in 2010 for 4.5).
> 5) Code Sprints: This was not part of our budget until now, but turned
> out to be a required working mode to get things done. We've planed for 8
> code sprints during the year, meaning 4 for each release. More code
> sprints might be organized, depending on the potential for sponsoring
> through non-association money.
> Historically our Core Team has been very well supported by lots of
> agencies, freelancers, sponsors and individuals. Many of our meetings,
> code sprints, events, and development couldn't have been done without
> it. For that reason in the past we didn't need to use all of our
> allocated budget.
> But keep in mind that most of the work done within the TYPO3 Core is and
> will always be *volunteer work* done by many many active contributors
> (including myself). Thus our budget request is not meant to "pay someone
> to improve our code" but is just an activator which enables us all to
> focus on what's important to the Core and to ourselves. Our goal is
> still to jointly innovate excellent free software enabling people to
> communicate [4]!
> That's all, I hope you understand and that the T3A Members and the EAB
> also endorse our applications.
> Cheers,
> Ernesto
> [1] http://typo3.org/news/article/submit-your-2013-budget-application-now/
> [2]
> http://buzz.typo3.org/people/ernesto-baschny/article/typo3-core-budget-2012/
> [3] http://www.typo3-anbieter.de/projekte/t3core-budget-2013/
> [4] http://typo3.org/teams/core-development-team/
> PS: I wanted to post this also on "buzz.typo3.org" but somehow my
> account is not working anymore since the "new typo3.org"  :)
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