[TYPO3-core] Package Builder / Git tags

Michael Stucki michael.stucki at typo3.org
Thu Sep 6 17:04:23 CEST 2012

Hi guys,

I would like to request a small change in the package builder:

Goal: Be able to fast-forward with Git from each tag to the next:

➜  TYPO3core git:(TYPO3_4-6_cs2) git checkout TYPO3_4-7-3
Note: checking out 'TYPO3_4-7-3'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. [rest of this is cut by me]

HEAD is now at 87b9678... [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.7.3
➜  TYPO3core
➜  TYPO3core  git merge --ff-only TYPO3_4-7-4
fatal: Not possible to fast-forward, aborting.

The problem is that the release commits (e.g. 87b9678, see above) are
not in line of the release branches (here it's TYPO3_4-7).

I believe the fix is simple: Just don't detach from the branch to update
ChangeLog and config_default.php and for creating the release tag.

If nobody objects, I would like to fix this. For this I need to know:

1. Does anyone think this will have any drawbacks?
2. Where can I find the source for the script?

Thanks in advance! :-)

- michael

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